Isten hozott a
Isten hozott a
A kecskeméti telephelyű Motherson egy nagyon új gyár, a maga nemében azonban az egyik legmodernebb Magyarországon. Több, mint 1000 alkalmazottja van. A mottónk: „Egy út. Egy cél. Egy csapat.” Csatlakozzon csapatunkhoz és segítsen nekünk termékeinkkel világszintű járművek kialakításában.
A csapatok építik a jövőt
An opening in the Finance and Control function encompasses a variety of accounting, financial control, and treasury management responsibilities. Candidates must enjoy working with numbers and delivering timely analyses and information to various levels of management to aid in both local and global decision-making. In addition to preparing regular scheduled reports, this job also requires ad hoc reporting. Good communication and cooperation skills are essential as this position requires collaboration with both internal and external stakeholders.
The Purchasing Department's responsibilities include coordinating the flow of orders to ensure on-time deliveries, vendor management, and contract negotiations in direct and indirect sourcing. Members of the Purchasing Department maintain operational relationships with suppliers and optimise purchases and contracts which requires cooperation and coordination across various divisions of the group.
Attributes that are needed are a positive attitude, excellent communication skills, and the ability to positively influence others.
The Logistics/Shipping/Scheduling Department ensures both timely dispatch and delivery to customers. Team members are responsible for maintaining inventory levels, optimising lot sizes and freight costs, and scheduling deliveries to meet the needs of our customers.
Knowledge of ERP/MRP and EDI as well as familiarity with the industrial environment are advantageous.
Candidates should be good at communication, organisation and planning. The ability to work under pressure is advantageous as the Logistics Department is frequently required to find quick solutions to problems that arise in the global supply chain.
General administration tasks vary depending on location and can include document management, travel arrangements, office management, and senior-level executive assistance. This position necessitates strong interpersonal skills as well as the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently. Our administrators are committed to completing tasks on time and in accordance with Group standards. Candidates with qualities such as dependability, a strong work ethic, accuracy, and attention to detail are ideal.
The IT department has a variety of positions available that require a current knowledge of the latest advances in hardware, software, data, and cybersecurity management, among other competencies. Strong communication skills are required for providing efficient internal and external technical support, as well as communicating and collaborating with customers about their hardware and software requirements. We value a hands-on attitude, a strong work ethic, attention to detail, as well as problem-solving abilities.
The HR community promotes the group values and fosters a healthy work environment. The profile includes performance management, employee training and development, facilitating internal communication, and talent acquisition and retention. The HR team is also responsible for the health, safety and well-being of employees.
Our engineers work directly with our customers throughout the entire process right from the drawing board to production. A strong technical background, particularly in the automotive industry, electronics, electro-mechanics, power distribution, and/or wire harness assembly, is advantageous. We value creativity and an inventive approach as it allows our engineers to envision new and better solutions that will help both Motherson and our customers meet future challenges. Strong communication and interpersonal skills are also essential.
The Quality Department supports the implementation and continuous improvement of quality management systems, conducts process and product audits. Team members respond to supplier and customer concerns while actively monitoring work on the shop floor to identify potential and actual quality issues. Candidates should have knowledge of quality-assessment tools and have a systematic and analytical approach to problem-solving. Strong interpersonal and communication skills are also required.
Tudnivalók Kecskemét
A Magyarország szívében elhelyezkedő Kecskemét ötvözi az Alföld szépségét és értékeit. A Budapesttől egy órányira, délre elhelyezkedő városban találkozik az ipar, a kultúra és a természet.
A több, mint 600 éves múltra visszatekintő város a régió gazdasági, közigazgatási, oktatási és kulturális központjává fejlődött. Kecskemét Magyarország egyik legdinamikusabban fejlődő városa. A növekvő népesség mellett a város fejlődését a munkanélküliségi ráta évről évre történő csökkenése is tükrözi. Ez a látványos fellendülés az ipari fejlődésnek tudható be. 2012-ben Kecskemétet és térségét járműmérnöki központtá nyilvánították. Az autóipar az egyik legfontosabb ipari ágazata a térségnek. A jó infrastruktúra, a jó munkaerő és a földrajzi adottságok számos olyan céget vonzottak ide letelepülni, mint a Motherson.